Royal Daughters Ministry

Ephesians 6:7

Welcome to the Royal Daughters’ Ministry, a beacon of empowerment and growth for women in the Kenya Assembly of God churches. Discover a community dedicated to uplifting women spiritually, socially, and in health, fostering revival and growth in the body of Christ


The Royal Daughters’ Ministry is our local name, popularly known as (WWK) in the Kenya Assembly of God churches. We exist to empower women to attain higher spiritual, financial, social, and health standards to deliver revival and growth to the body of Christ.

Women are the backbone of the church and their contributions are vital to the mission and success of the church.

We therefore promote the holistic life of the church by reaching out to the needy, visiting the sick, and mobilizing women to Christian service.


  1. We are called to support and be a blessing to our families.
  2. Support the Pastors and the church through giving, prayers and taking part in all church activities.
  3. We support the National church leadership to deliver to various projects in the country through fundraising, (WWK DAY), regular and special giving to our National Women ministry office.


We provide opportunity to fellowship with each other through special events, like retreats, Annual Dinner, conferences, workshops and seminars, to assist women meet various physical, social and spiritual needs. This makes good forum to address topics and issues that affect women.

The ministry is structured into the following groups;


Missionettes is a national girl’s ministry program of Assembly of God, was developed as a mentoring ministry in response to the need to minister to girls and established systematic plan for older women to train the younger women. Titus 2:3-4

The missionatte has five clubs which include girls from age 3yrs to the time they get married.

The clubs are as follows:

  1. Rainbow – Preschool girls.
  2. Daisies – Kindergarten through first grade girls.
  3. Primes – Secondary grade through 3 grade.
  4. Stars – Grade 4 through 8 and Young ladies.

To minister to women’s unique needs, training and equipping women for service, we have age categories and status groups to help ensure every woman in the church finds a way to get involved in the church mission as follows:

  1. Below 20yrs
  2. 20yrs to 30yrs
  3. 30yrs to 40yrs
  4. 40yrs to 50yrs
  5. Above 50yrs
  6. Single parents
  7. Widows

Membership Requirements

  1. Should be a member of the Assemblies of God.
  2. Should be born again, of good standing and fulfilling all the requirements of the East Assembly Church.
  3. Enroll to the Royal daughters’ monthly contribution register.
  4. Should attend Women meetings, both Local and National conventions.